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Your Daily Baguette Blog

Romans 8:28 The Christian version of "It's Gon' all work out!"

The year 2020 has been full of unwelcome adjustments to the new normal as the pandemic has altered each of our lives in dramatic ways.


Coronavirus has closed down businesses, disrupted the economy, and caused students from elementary to Grad School to be learning remotely this coming semester. The healthcare system is challenged every hour, bustling communities have retreated to their homes, and the growing awareness of systematic injustices has led to so many cases of anger and violence that it is hard to keep track. Many people are fighting for their rights, and thousands more are fighting for their lives. Every minute, of every day, countless people are grieving for their lost loved ones.


It seems like an endless period of suffering and uncertainty as we pray for things to get better. But I hope that we can be reminded that there is still goodness and hope out there.


" So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10


God is still working in our suffering world. We are told this truth and have probably repeated this to ourselves countless times before, but it can be harder to maintain faith in the midst of unprecedented personal trials. This verse (Romans 8:28) does not promise that God will give us good health, material wealth, or a better short-term solution. It ensures that God has the best plan for our lives and we can find comfort in this truth.

Victory has already been won through Jesus, who was sent by God and died for our sins to pay for the wrath we justly deserved. We are forgiven through faith in Christ and nothing in this world can take that forgiveness away. However, the good news of our salvation is not the end goal that God had in mind. The ultimate good that God planned is to make us more like Jesus, and bring us closer to God so that He is glorified in us through our contentment in Him.


Do not be disillusioned by our hardships, but lean on God in our times of trouble. When the joy seems far off, remember that He is with you even when you do not feel his presence. If you are feeling numbed by a sense of apathy, pray for God to move in your heart. Take steps to talk about your feelings with people you trust. Find comfort knowing that in our sufferings, our relationship with God is strengthened as we learn to trust Him more.

How can we use our current situations for the ultimate good that God has planned for us?


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